Self-Driving Car Simulation
![Self-Driving Car Simulation]
A simple self-driving car simulation project implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The simulation includes user-controlled cars and AI-controlled cars using a neural network.
Table of Contents
- User-controlled car movements with arrow keys.
- AI-controlled cars using a neural network.
- Collision detection with road borders and traffic.
- Responsive design for various screen sizes.
Car.update(roadBorders, traffic)
Updates the car's position and state based on road borders and traffic. Includes movement, collision detection, and AI controls.
Adds keyboard listeners for arrow keys to control the car.
Calculates the center of a lane based on the given lane index.
Sensor.update(roadBorders, traffic)
Updates the sensor readings based on road borders and traffic.
Visualizer.drawNetwork(ctx, network)
Draws the neural network on a given canvas context.
Note: This is a brief summary. Refer to the source code for detailed information.
Getting Started
These instructions will help you get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone the repository:
git clone